Saturday, November 8, 2014


Comer, GA is small.
One stoplight small.
Normal to me.
I like small towns.
It reminds me of home.
And like home Comer has one hopping resturant.
Only this place isn't China house...
Or even Corner cup.

It's Maggies.
Nestled in between to closed stores sits the only escape I have within biking distance.
Sometimes I forget there are other people on this world.
My life is all Jubilee.
Except when I'm at Maggies.

The food is overpriced.
But the wifi is free.
The service is kind and they always greet me.
They say y'all and call me sweetie.

It's a nice escape.
They even have wine.
Which makes it a fun escape sometimes.
They also have pie.

It's a sometimes place that I like to go to by myself to remind myself that I have a choice. I can live my life in so many different ways. It's nice to have that reminder. That I have choices. 

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