Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Out there...

Jubilee can sometimes be a bubble
You forget that there are other people and opinions out there...
It is a feeling that reminds me of college...
Like you dont remember what 'normal' people think.

I was on Facebook the other day.
And my Uncle who is a very devoted Christian posted a picture saying

"The United States should cut foreign aid to any country that supports Illegal Immigration."

BOOM. That ticking time bomb that was hiding in the shadows of my mind blew.

WHAT? I thought he was a Christian. Hasnt he read the Bible. Did Jesus care about where you were from when he DIED FOR OUR SINS!!!

All these things flooded through my mind.
I was mad.
I was sickened.
I was hurt.
Why is this an issue when Jesus said!!

Woah. Danger...Judgmental Danielle coming through. 

It is going to be hard for me to remember that there are so many people that will disagree with my beliefs. 
And If I am going to be the hands and feet of Jesus...

I have to love them 

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